WARNING with: Zawijni.com and muslimmarriagesite.com Site scammer

Updated on 16 february 2015, added  contact info.

Note: 2Checkout.com and 2co.com does not take any action against this scam site despite of the reports sent to them from users and from us.

Websites: http://www.zawijni.com and http://www.muslimmarriagesite.com

Owner: Abdoulaye Sangare

Address: 330 W 3rd St, Apt 102B, Bridgeport, Pensylvania, 19405, United States of America

Phone: +1.4847443528

Reported by: Sardor Ubaydullaev, Igor Gaidara, Ahmed Mustaqillik, and others

Email addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected][email protected],

Description: Zawijni.com and muslimmarriagesite.com, a online muslim matrimonial site, where in the past months we have received many complains about deactivating “Premium Members” without any reason. The users can register on that site for free, and they have free membership. To communicate with other users on zawijni.com, users must upgrade their membership to premium. They have different types of memberships and fees, starting from 20 dollars for 3 months. When the users pays for “Premium Membership”, after that the payment has been successful, the site admin from zawijni.com, deactivates his/her profile, so that the user who has paid for “Premium Membership” cannot more login at zawijni.com. The deactivation happens randomly. This happens 3 to 5 times in week, so of this happens 20 times in one month, calculate, for example in one week they deactivates 5 ID’s where they have paid “Premium Membership” 5 X 20 = 100 USD, in one month, 4 weeks, 100 X 4 = 400 USD in month without offering the product or service as described on zawijni.com, so they get at least 400 USD in a month!!!!! If we calculate this for one year, 400 X 12 = 4800 USD they get annually!!!!!! This is what we can call: A PERFECT SITE SCAMMER. The site www.2checkout.com where the payments are processed for zawijni.com, does not give any support about this, even, they does not block the payments for zawijni.com through 2Checkout. See the screenshots as evidence. Thanks to: Sardor Ubaydullaev

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